A fellow Marillion and Fish fan, Jon Collins recently posted that he’d sort me out a curry after comparing Fish’s new album 13th Star to cooking.
As I’m inept at cooking, I’ll take his word for it – but I thought I’d check out Mr. Collins’ credentials in a proper style. Readers of this blog (ha! I couldn’t resist that one) might recognise the name from my post about the Marillion biography ‘Separated Out‘.
Still, I checked out the A Collection website, to see what he has to say for himself there, a lo, there’s a link to his blog! There’s nothing like a blog to get a feel for a person.
Indeed, I can pin Mr. Collins down as an IT baking, cookery skewing, hedgehog mowing genius. And he likes Marillion of course.
So, well done to Jon Collins for being him, and when he’s in, or near Margate, I can expect a nice curry!