- Another satisfied customer from my school of effective parenting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11340636 #
- Just found this. A fantastic resource of downloadable and free audio books: http://librivox.org/ #
- Sign up as a Beta Tester for the new Freelance Portal OfficeCavalry.com to win an iPod Touch / Apple TV! http://bit.ly/9neBy3 #
- Intel now in a bid to charge you more for a processor that you already own. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11379089 #
- If you're reading this message on twitter.com then you're taking a big gamble right now… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-11382469 #
- @thanetbusiness This account has just sent out a hacked message in reply to thanetbusiness #
- Some tips for avoiding the Twitter exploit http://eu.techcrunch.com/2010/09/21/the-top-5-ways-to-avoid-and-fix-the-onmouseover-twitter-worm/ #
- It's all right folks, Twitter has fixed the XSS security hole. Can't believe that it was so simple. http://bbc.in/9WQxvi #
- RIM 'BlackPad' announcement next week? QNX to be the likely OS. http://bit.ly/a8IHZq #
- @Aiannucci Oh, go on 🙂 in reply to Aiannucci #
- Planning on visiting the Thanet Trade Fair today. Anyone else going? thanttradefair.com #
- Build Your Fist Android PHP application: http://bit.ly/a8m7B2 #
- The Web Startup Success Guide eBook. Today's @apress #dotd for all of you budding Web Entrepreneurs. http://bit.ly/ad1h5C #
- Apple doesn't want anyone to use the word 'pod'. I hope Dulux have their legal team ready. http://bbc.in/9tRyRI #
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