Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13

  • Anyone want an old data projector? Image slightly discoloured but I have no use for it. Going to tip if no takers. #
  • Thank you @asaunders! CONFIRMED #BlackBerry10Jam Roadshow will give devs BBAlpha devices! #
  • Lol! Proof that the iPhone is damaging the US economy! – Why the USA *needs* a BlackBerry comeback via @CrackBerry #
  • Anyone else having trouble with sub-domains on #CodeIgniter validation helper? #
  • Can't wait for #BB10Jam London! Anywhere I can get those swanky DevJam T-shirts before the event? @BlackBerryDev #
  • Considering starting a web/mobile dev user group in #Thanet If you are or you know someone interested in being a part of it, then DM me. #
  • I am loving the new @UK_BlackBerry TV ad and cannot wait to see it on my TV! #Do #

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