Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-22

  • Awesome! Getting the new BlackBerry 10 #Cascades feel in the OS! Keep it coming guys! Love it! @BlackBerryDev @asaunders #
  • If you reinstall the Alpha Dev OS on the – you'll get a cascades-esque setup with new copy and paste and text selection. @crackberrykevin #
  • Summer holidays are here! Time to get cracking on those BlackBerry 10 apps! @blackberrydev #
  • How to Optimize Your WordPress Development Workflow | Wptuts+ #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-22

  • Awesome! Getting the new BlackBerry 10 #Cascades feel in the OS! Keep it coming guys! Love it! @BlackBerryDev @asaunders #
  • If you reinstall the Alpha Dev OS on the – you'll get a cascades-esque setup with new copy and paste and text selection. @crackberrykevin #
  • Summer holidays are here! Time to get cracking on those BlackBerry 10 apps! @blackberrydev #
  • How to Optimize Your WordPress Development Workflow | Wptuts+ #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

  • Just stumbled across profanity in the @BlackBerryDev #Ripple source code. Classy 🙂 #
  • Being immersed in code is like being wrapped in a very comfortable, geeky blanket. #
  • Awww! I wanna buy duvets too! @emilyjlockwood #
  • Photo Story 3 – I hate you so much right now. #
  • Brilliant! "@RoyalAlbion: Friday The 13th! Dont panic!…… then again…." #
  • Digg: The New MySpace #
  • "@j4mes73: I am refusing to purchase any more PlayBook apps until the £ conversion is changed. $2.99 is not £3.00. Rip off! @UK_BlackBerry" #
  • Some people think that 140 characters on Twitter is not enough at all. I disagree. I think that 140 characters is more than enough to make a #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08

  • 10 things you didn't know JavaScript could do | Feature | .net magazine #
  • Thanks to @Thanetspeakers for asking be to be head judge at their contest last week. Really enjoyed it and well done West Kent! #
  • Tip for @littlewoods – check that the QR code actually works properly before printing it on the side of all your catalogues. #
  • Something is happening today… I love being #1inaMillion #
  • ARGH! Who let all of the ignorant f***wits out onto the roads today!? #
  • I know that my wife would love a #Curve9360inpink 🙂 #
  • Superb! "@electricmanfilm: A super duper new trailer just out! Check it out! Share it, we love it! and you can too!" #
  • Huh. New #BlackBerry Twitter app in BetaZone has new Twitter logo. #
  • Nice one @willsmithuk @RhymesWithPen: It was a great 4th of July. I'd like to thank Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum for making it all possible. #
  • Agreed! Not cool @j4mes73: I'm getting a bit pissed off. Since when does $9.99 covert to £10.00. Screwed again! @BlackBerryDev @alexkinsella #
  • Facebook: The biggest birthday diary in the world. #
  • RT @tracyandmatt I want to win a new BlackBerry Curve 9320 from tracyandmatt and #UK_BlackBerry" #
  • #MassiveHashTags @electricmanfilm: Shout out to everyone attending #LFCC this year, what ru most looking forward to? #londonfilmandcomiccon #
  • Cheesus! This Broadstairs sun is out with a vengeance #ToHotToHash #
  • Awesome! Using MeeGo Qt Components on Blackberry 10 and Playbook | Zwong #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-01

  • It's great when you wake up feeling that you're powered by awesome. #
  • Walking around taking photos and films with my @BlackBerryDev 10 Alpha at the nature park. It's absolutely freaking awesome. #
  • Some nice development on the website last night. Looks like we might be getting close to a launch, plus other extras! #
  • Perfect fit. BlackBerry #DevAlpha snuggling up to #PlayBook #
  • Any chance that I might be able to use my PlayBook any time in the near future? @watchskygo #
  • Hilarious – watch Chloe Smith for big laughs: "@Aiannucci: Just to make things clear." #
  • Refresh your 'life' timeline by getting out of bed each day. #
  • Cool. The Android @skyhd plus app works nicely on the BlackBerry PlayBook. Why don't you guys publish it in AppWorld? #
  • Bizarre: "@alexkinsella: Internet, you amaze me again. #opensource #webdev #html5 quot; #
  • BBC News – RIM delays Blackberry 10 launch and cuts 5,000 jobs #
  • All good in UK 😉 "@CrackBerry: BlackBerry Messenger services degraded in the EMEA region, are you having issues? –" #

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