- 10 things you didn't know JavaScript could do | Feature | .net magazine http://t.co/sb5TG6UD #
- Thanks to @Thanetspeakers for asking be to be head judge at their contest last week. Really enjoyed it and well done West Kent! #
- Tip for @littlewoods – check that the QR code actually works properly before printing it on the side of all your catalogues. #
- Something is happening today… I love being #1inaMillion http://t.co/yjBmNnrw #
- ARGH! Who let all of the ignorant f***wits out onto the roads today!? #
- I know that my wife would love a #Curve9360inpink 🙂 #
- Superb! "@electricmanfilm: A super duper new trailer just out! http://t.co/p0UqHHSb Check it out! Share it, we love it! and you can too!" #
- Huh. New #BlackBerry Twitter app in BetaZone has new Twitter logo. #
- Nice one @willsmithuk @RhymesWithPen: It was a great 4th of July. I'd like to thank Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum for making it all possible. #
- Agreed! Not cool @j4mes73: I'm getting a bit pissed off. Since when does $9.99 covert to £10.00. Screwed again! @BlackBerryDev @alexkinsella #
- Facebook: The biggest birthday diary in the world. #
- RT @tracyandmatt I want to win a new BlackBerry Curve 9320 from tracyandmatt and #UK_BlackBerry http://t.co/8EBccO79" #
- #MassiveHashTags @electricmanfilm: Shout out to everyone attending #LFCC this year, what ru most looking forward to? #londonfilmandcomiccon #
- Cheesus! This Broadstairs sun is out with a vengeance #ToHotToHash #
- Awesome! Using MeeGo Qt Components on Blackberry 10 and Playbook | Zwong http://t.co/ClZsuRdg #
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