Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

  • Just stumbled across profanity in the @BlackBerryDev #Ripple source code. Classy 🙂 #
  • Being immersed in code is like being wrapped in a very comfortable, geeky blanket. #
  • Awww! I wanna buy duvets too! @emilyjlockwood #
  • Photo Story 3 – I hate you so much right now. #
  • Brilliant! "@RoyalAlbion: Friday The 13th! Dont panic!…… then again…." #
  • Digg: The New MySpace #
  • "@j4mes73: I am refusing to purchase any more PlayBook apps until the £ conversion is changed. $2.99 is not £3.00. Rip off! @UK_BlackBerry" #
  • Some people think that 140 characters on Twitter is not enough at all. I disagree. I think that 140 characters is more than enough to make a #

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