Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-07

  • Prog rock! A 20 minute epic 🙂 "@BBOSJoe: If you could write and produce a #BlackBerry song, what genre would you pick?" #
  • Why does the am school run now require me to turn into John Cleese in Clockwise? #
  • Crikey! When did playgroup turn into a mosh-pit for pre-schoolers? #
  • I'm being claustrophobed. #
  • Gone Fishing Convention – 20th – 21st Oct. Official site live! #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-30

  • Interesting. #BB10 #
  • I was just about to tweet something profound but I can't remember what it was. Please assume it was and retweet. Thanks. #
  • Want to get a data-friendly micro-SIM cheap in the UK. Any suggestions? #
  • Now THAT would be an awesome Twitter name! "@emilyjlockwood: epic boots" #
  • Finally acknowledged! @MasonWoodall: people who stay up late tend to out perform those who go to bed early when it comes to problem solving. #
  • Whooops! "What was the mission, sir?" #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-30

  • Interesting. #BB10 #
  • I was just about to tweet something profound but I can't remember what it was. Please assume it was and retweet. Thanks. #
  • Want to get a data-friendly micro-SIM cheap in the UK. Any suggestions? #
  • Now THAT would be an awesome Twitter name! "@emilyjlockwood: epic boots" #
  • Finally acknowledged! @MasonWoodall: people who stay up late tend to out perform those who go to bed early when it comes to problem solving. #
  • Whooops! "What was the mission, sir?" #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23

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