How to edit settings on a Ctrix Metaframe NFuse Server

Something that comes up irregularly with clients: How do I change the settings of the logon screen for Citrix’s web interface?

And the good news is that it’s quite simple.

Open up your webbrowser and goto https://nfuseserver/citrix/metaframe/wiadmin remembering to change nfuseserver with the name of your own server.

Once in, you can configure your farms and servers quite happily.

Oh, and always remember to click on Apply Changes once you’ve saved your new settings.

Citrix ICA client reports “Proxy connection failed” when connecting

I had some trouble getting the ICA client to connect to a site in Ubuntu today. Actually, it’s been for a few days. I’m not entirely sure if I’ve used Ubuntu for Citrix stuff.

Anyway, whenever clicking on a connection on the Citrix web interface, the webica application would fail with this error: “Proxy connection failed: Internal error during proxy evaluation”

As I don’t use a proxy, this was a little odd.

After searching on the Citrix forums, I found this nugget which resolves the issue:

  • Open up the terminal window
  • cd
  • mkdir .netscape
  • cd .netscape
  • gedit preferences.js
  • In the editor, type:
    user_pref("network.proxy.http_port", 80);
    user_pref("network.proxy.type", 0);
  • Save the file

Now, when you click on the Citrix icon, you should connect with no issue.

If you do happen to use a proxy server, change network.proxy.type to 1, and enter the relevant proxy details in the other lines.

Damn Fine Citrix and Terminal Server Installation Guides

Installing Citrix correctly, and with confidence is generally an important issue. Some bad choices early can cause you a lot of headaches later on.

Today, I found a good site a Methodology in a Box, which outlines good practices for deploying various versions of Citrix and TS.

Even better, the guides can be downloaded in PDF format!

reg.ini for Citrix ICA Clients on Linux Thinstation Systems

Using PXE booting thin clients is a great way to centrally manage a wide variety of hardware that you may find around a site.

Working on this principle, I’ve found that Thinstation is an excellent administrator’s tool for building custom thin client stations that can easily be deployed around a network with relative ease.

At some point, I plan to write a guide for setting up the whole system for *gasp* a Windows administrator who has little knowledge of Linux.

In the meantime, for those ahead, I’ve found that it is nice to be able to deploy the reg.ini for Citrix ICA. This is handy if you need to preconfigure the ICA Client. The reg.ini file stores data such as the location of the NFuse server configuration files for the PNAgent, default username and domain details and various other settings.

First of all, run the Citrix ICA client on a machine where you can easily access the file system. Once you have it set as you like (for instance, opening on the PNAgent screen with present domain settings), copy the reg.ini file from /home/user/.ICAClient/reg.ini (user is the username on the system).

Right then.

  • Log on to your Linux system and cd to the thinstation build directory
  • Copy the reg.ini file to packages/ica/lib/ICAClient/config
  • edit the file packages/etc/init.d/ica.init file and add the following lines of code to the start:
    mkdir $HOME/.ICAClient
    cp /usr/lib/ICAClient/config/reg.ini $HOME/.ICAClient/reg.ini

This is slightly modified from Phillippe Millette’s example, as the $ICA_TMP variable does not seem set on Thinstation 2.2.

Rebuild your thinstation image and you should have a pre-configured ICA Client.

Citrix non-admin woes

Recently I had some grief trying to allow non administrator / power users from using the Citrix web ICA client. Whenever the connection to the presentation server would happen, the connection would timeout with no error message.

After scouring the internet, I found an article where the system admin decided to make all users using Citrix a member of the Power Users group.

Thankfully, the solution of why the error was occurring was there too. Apparently you need write-access to the MSLicensing key for all users.

Once we did this through group policy, all of the users could connect succesfully to the Citrix applications. Hurrah!

The full key path is: