Edit files with Notepad++ From Anywhere on your Network

Notepad++ is a very handy tool. It rocks.

What is annoying is that if you have it installed on a server, then you have to run NPP before opening the intended file that you want to edit.

Well, no more! Using the power of Group Policy Preferences (which also rocks).

First of all, install NPP onto your server but install it into a shared folder that you can access.

Next, open up Group Policy Management and edit the group policy that your user account is in (or those that you want to enable).

Open up User Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry.

Crete a new registry setting:

Key Path: Software\Classes\*\Shell\Open in Notepad++\command
Default: ticked
Value type: REG_SZ
Value data: "\\server\share\notepad++.exe" "%1"

Then log onto a computer and right click on all of those files! Yey!