Getting Around the Sync Error: Google Outlook Sync Tool

I’ve been working with a client to migrate their email systems to Google Apps Premier, as most folks’ emails are being kept on their personal computers and there is a good chance of losing a chunk of work amongst other things.

The task for me was to personally help with uploading all of the disparate systems up to Google Mail, Calendar and Docs. We’ll also be moving some wiki content onto Sites over time but the main issue right now is that we need to get those emails up!

The Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook tool is pretty good at getting everything working with Outlook directly, as well as uploading your existing emails.

Set up is straight-forward, but sometimes an error crops up that is commented in the forums and in the known issues page.

I found that the “Sync Errors” folder that is created doesn’t actually get synchronised. The easy fix is to either upload the folder with the Email Uploader tool, or simply create a label with the same name in Google Apps Mail. Once done, sync should continue to work.

Palm realises that Outlook 2007 is out!

I was hopping around the Palm site looking for some Outlook 2007 conduits for my Tungsten T3 today. I realised that I haven’t actually synchronized my Palm in about a month!

I was lucky to find Outlook 2007 Conduits on the Palm site, only after following a link within the Outlook 2003 conduits. Oddly, Palm haven’t made any effort to link to this on the main support page.

So, I can finally see if the whole Ubuntu / Virtualbox / XP / Palm Desktop / Exchange configuration is giong to work for me. This is really the big thing for me at the moment. Until there is some vast improvement in Evolution, I can’t see myself using it. The whole process was just too unreliable. And I am not keen to pay for 3rd party syncronisation software.

Anyway, if you are using a Palm device and have upgraded to Office 2007, go and download the new conduits!