I had a great deal of trouble getting Internet Explorer to redirect the header to a RTSP link using the header function in PHP.
I found that in IE, I would get a HTTP 402 error (page has been temporarily moved). IE would happily sit there and tell me it could not be found.
Firefox was a little more robust and displayed a page which resolved an alternatve link – “Object Moved” gracing the page and a link to the rtsp link. This would also automatically open the link in Firefox.
Thankfully, I found the answer on the Jalix PHP manual.
I think that the idea is to generate a RAM-style link to the RTSP protocol rather than redirecting directly to it:
Header ("Pragma: "); Header ("Cache-Control: "); Header ("Expires: "); Header ("Content-Type: audio/x-pn-realaudio"); # insert DB code here print "rtsp://host.com:554/$filename";
That should happily create a working link to the RTSP transport.
And to Schu, yes – that saved me loads of time.