BlackBerry 10 – Backups, Backups, Backups

BlackBerry Desktop Manager with PlayBook connected

Right, let’s cut to the chase.

RIM – you’re current backup system for the PlayBook is inadequate.

There, I got it off my chest. But it had to be said. As you can probably see from this blog – I like BlackBerry. It does what I want it to do most of the time. I want to get things done. I’m nearly always mobile. BlackBerrys keep me connected to everything that I need to do.

But as BlackBerry 10 looms closer, I’m worried that some PlayBook-isms will make it across Continue reading BlackBerry 10 – Backups, Backups, Backups

rsync and the Hard Link Limitation

I’ve been setting up a new backup regime on a hosted server that I’m helping to maintain.

One of the key issues right now is that it is there isn’t a solid provided backup regime, so I’ve spent the day playing around with different Linux backup solutions trying to get to the bottom of a simple, yet robust way of backing up.

I like rsync, but the problem is that you can’t use it’s hard linking feature over secure shell. As such, incremental backups are a pain.

I was about to give up on it, and work out a convoluted tar process when it occurred to me that the hard links might still be possible.

And to that end, I wrote this script: Continue reading rsync and the Hard Link Limitation

No More Lost Deleted Files in Ubuntu

I had a shocking error of judgement this morning when I accidentally deleted some of my son’s photos from his toy digital camera. They were sitting on my desktop, and I was on a cleanup… These were a casualty of my cleanup-fest and obsession with the shift key.

Thinking on a Windows vein – I thought that I should be able to backup the files easily and seamlessly. But I don’t want too much aggravation. A quick scoot around the Ubuntu forums, and I found TimeVault.

TimeVault is the equivalent project to Windows’ Shadow Copy service or Apple’s Time Machine. Basically it’s a completely transparent backup that allows you to recover files easily on the system you are working on.

I’ve downloaded the .DEB and forced the installation (there’s no binary x64 version at the moment). I’ll see how it all goes and report back!

MSSQL 2000 Backup

Lately, I have been having trouble backing up MS SQL 2000 files with ntbackup – running on Windows Server 2000.

As it happens, there is an easy way to deal with this. By modifying the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Ntbackup\Backup Engine to 1, backup will deal with each file – even if it is in use!

Of course, I still stop and start the SQL service to ensure that the file is not being modified. I’m not really confident that it works that well…