Getting Started With Amazon As a CDN – Part 1


Content delivery networks are all the rage now, so I’m looking at creating a CDN that will work nicely with my WordPress installation.

Rather than just blindly use a plugin, I want to make the code trustworthy and reusable among other blogs that I manage. Certainly the easiest way to get a CDN working on your blog is to use the Jetpack plugin from Automattic. This transparently turns the content on your blog into a CDN-delivered bowl of web content.

Some people might not want the full weight of the Jetpack plugin or to use the WordPress CDN so here we go. I’m going to step through the process that I used to get a CDN working myself. Continue reading Getting Started With Amazon As a CDN – Part 1

Get Ripple to work in Linux

As RIM plough forward and deliver a cascade of development tools – one of the key tools is the Ripple Emulator. The Ripple Emulator allows you to simulate a mobile device in Chrome or Chromium and debug it easily. It’s a great app for creating HTML5 apps.

Unfortunately for us Linux users, we have had the short straw as a quick peek over at the BlackBerry site reveals that there is only a download for Windows or Mac.

Not to be put off – I figured that the code must be pretty much the same for both systems and decided that I’d get it working in Linux. Here’s my howto for getting Ripple working with Ubuntu 12.04 Continue reading Get Ripple to work in Linux